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Uprooted Muslims face ultimatum on demonstrating land ownership


The Divisional Secretary of Karai-thu'raip-pattu administrative division in Mullaiththeevu district has published a notice in local newspapers on 10 October asking the owners of lands in Mukaththuvaaram to document their ownership to their deed lands before October 20th. The Divisional Secretary, S Gunabalan, has been under increased pressure from the Sinhala colonial Governor to North, Mr Reginald Cooray, to seize the lands in the northern tip of the lagoon-mouth of Kokku'laay, which is situated close to the border of the Northern and Eastern provinces. As reported earlier, the plan of the Colombo establishment is to alienate the lands in Mukaththuvaaram to Sinhala settlers and demographically wedge the contiguity and territorial integrity of the occupied country of Tamils and Muslims. 

Some of the Muslims families, who were chased away from their lands by the occupying Sinhala military 33 years ago, have lost their documents. The burden of proving ownership is now placed on them with a short notice. 

In addition, some families have fled the island to Tamil Nadu in India and elsewhere as refugees during the times of war. Their return has not been facilitated in a proper manner. Making public announcement with short deadlines is aimed at seizing the ‘unclaimed’ lands. 

The occupying Sinhala military and the violent settlers along Naayaa’ru to Mukaththuvaaram have also been denying access to uprooted Muslims to enter their lands after 2009. 


Sinhala government and monk groups both target are separate all the minorities from Sri Lanka and make it pure buddha nation

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