The Rights Of Minorities

Sri Lankan Muslims UK
M I M Farook
Sri Lankan Muslims Against to Sri Lankan Government & Sinhalese Racist Groups

Thajudeen’s vehicle did not catch fire because of accident
The metal debris found belonging to the vehicle of rugby player Mohomed Wasim Thajudeen which was supposed to be involved in an accident and a subsequent fire that resulted , do not indicate that they had caught fire ,J.A.S. Jayaweera , the assistant commissioner (technical) of the Registration of Motor vehicles (RMV) dept. has stated in his report to the additional magistrate Nishantha Peiris yesterday (28)
The report also states that it cannot be said definitely how the fire started or how it spread.
On a directive issued by the magistrate on the 14 th of August , the vehicle No. K Q 6543 in question that was near the Shalika hall belonging to the CTB was inspected on the 25 th of August at 9.30 a.m. by a team including additional government analyst A. Welianga , Toyota Co. technical advisor W.L.Perera and assistant goverment analyst M.L.W. Jayamanna , Jayaweera informed court.
After the collision the vehicle was immobilized, and consequent upon the accident , as the front and under sides of the buffer , and the left side wheel were damaged ,the harm caused to the driver is most trivial , the report further indicates.
The steering wheel getting detached is unlikely in such an accident .Based on an inspection of what is remainiing of the steering wheel , and the other burnt parts , it can be concluded that the steering wheel was destroyed by the fire, Jayaweera had indicated in his report.
In a report contained in 6 pages , the assistant commissioner Jayaweera had further stated , the metal parts could not have got burnt due to such an accident ..However , how the fire started and spread cannot be stated for sure , the report goes on to state.