The Rights Of Minorities

Sri Lankan Muslims UK
M I M Farook
Sri Lankan Muslims Against to Sri Lankan Government & Sinhalese Racist Groups

Families of enforced disappearances
Representatives of enforced disappeared families, waging a continuous protest demanding the SL State to declare the whereabouts of their missing kith and kin after they were handed over in front of them to the SL military, which promised amnesty after the end of genocidal onslaught in Vanni in May 2009, on Friday categorically denounced the Office of Missing person mechanism as an eyewash move. Mrs Leelathevy Anathanadarajah and Mrs Kanakaranjai Yogarajah who held a press conference in Ki'linochchi said the enforced families engaged in continuous struggle in the four districts of Jaffna, Ki'linochchi, Mullaiththeevu and Vavuniyaa in North and in the Trincomalee district in the East, also condemn the Western countries that have rushed to welcome the SL President Maithiripala Sirisena implementing the OMP.
On the 100th day of their protest on 30th May 2017, the families issued an ultimatum to SL President Maithiripala Sirisena to come and meet them in person within 14 days.
The SL President who met the representatives at SL Governor's office in Jaffna on 12 June, promised the families to release the names of persons who surrendered or filtered away from the families by the SL military during 2008 – 2009 when the people entered the SL military controlled areas.
At Jaffna, Mr Sirisena loudly read out their demands and said he agreed with all of the demands and promised to instruct the three armed forces under him at the ‘national security’ meeting next day evening.
31 days have elapsed since that meeting, nothing has happened, Kanakaranjani Yogaraja, who was one of the representatives who met the SL President told Tamil media on Friday.
“Today, it is the 153rd day of our continues protest. We will continue our protest until justice is achieved,” she further said.
Many of the families, now searching for their loved ones, either handed their kith and kin to the SL military and witnessed the SL military taking their family members away from them in buses at the end of genocidal onslaught in May 2009. The SL military had also filtered away from the family members on their way to barbed wire internment camps in Vavuniyaa at that time.